Why MERN Stack ?— explained!

Shouvik Chatterjee
3 min readApr 7, 2021

Want to master MERN Stack? Go through this article first!

MongoDB | ExpressJS | ReactJS | NodeJS

The MERN has the above 4 tech stacks. Learning MERN is one of the most important and featured skills on the market, and it will not go anytime sooner!

Why is MERN so important?

MERN stack has gathered public fame due to many reasons. First, it is fast! Websites built with ReactJS library work with unparalleled efficiency. To newbies, REACT essentially allows you to change a particular component of the page without actually refreshing the page!. This is a major advantage of REACT and many industries are shifting to REACT because of it’s speed.

The use of MongoDB database has it’s own bulky contribution to MERN stack’s famework. As many of you know, MongoDB is a NO SQL database, which essentially means that the site becomes more available to scalability with growing volumes of data.

Lastly, NodeJS and ExpressJS used in the backend give the site its finishing touch. Node has an easily understandable and logical syntax and along with that makes API calls, and adding features and modules very easy. Since it’s release, it has taken the web development community by storm.

— M —


MongoDB is a NoSql database which means that it has a non tabular database structure. Changing the structure of a database is the easiest in MongoDB. Every object in MongoDB is clear and understandable. One major advantage in this kind of a database is the headache of using complex join functions(in traditional SQL) is absent. This makes the implementation 10x easier.

Primary Advantage point : Very Easily Scalable

— E —

Express JS

It is based on the very popular Node JS library. It has a minimalistic coding structure which is easy to understand by all new coders. It easily allows you to define routes of your application based on HTTP methods and URLs and finally it is very easy to integrate it with all template engines like EJS, Jade, etc

Primary Advantage point : Easily understandable code

— R —

React JS

React is a javascript library which is easy to learn and has made a site maker’s life so much more easy. React has a properly established logical structure which is important in the making of large sites. It is a fast library since specific components can change without the whole page being refreshed. It comes with a developer toolset for bug and error detections. It also has an app development counterpart known as React Native.

Primary Advantage point : Extremely Fast Rendering

— N —

Node JS

Node JS is one of the easiest but most useful backend languages in today’s world. It is easy to understand and code sharing & re-usability is it’s strength. Node is also a very fast to execute language which in unison with React, makes the site even faster! Lastly, Node has a huge community support, and with that comes a huge number of free tools and services that can be used. It is the dream language of a web developer.

Primary Advantage point : Code sharing & re-usability

The Most Important Learning TIPS :: MERN

  1. Learn to understand the documentation.
  2. Make mini projects as you learn.
  3. Practice at least one major project by making it twice for a revisiting practice of important concepts.
  4. Try freelancing and internships for even more confidence.

Serious Note :

If you learn MERN properly, you will conquer the world!

Happy Coding!

Shouvik Chatterjee



Shouvik Chatterjee

Full Stack Web Dev | ML-Researcher, 7+ Years Coding Exp, Worked on Industry Scalable Web Projects, Clean Code | Communicator | 15+ Project Leads | Avid Learner